Windy As

Being woken by howling wind should have been a warning, but when turning on the kettle first thing in the morning I was greeted by the sight of the Wi-Fi antenna used to pick up GK-2A pointing in very much…

Weather Sensors

For just over a year I’ve had multiple different weather sensors connected to one of my Raspberry Pi which is out in the garden. Using python code I’ve been capturing the sensor values every 15 minutes and the values have…

GK-2A – Videos

GK-2A is capturing infra red disk images of the earth every 10 minutes, with these being shown on the latest images page. In addition, there are processed versions including Sanchez processing which shows the infra red image projected onto a…

Upcoming ISS SSTV Event

There is an ISS SSTV event which has been scheduled for this week, with there being just two relatively short transmission windows over two days with the timings aligned best for people who are in Russia / Europe. The announcement…